Salt Water Service for Marine Diesels
If your vessel doesn't do much running and stays dormant for long periods your cooling systems take the a hit. The fine holes that salt water moves through to transfer the heat from the coolant gets marine growth and reduces the efficiency of the system. There is only one way to clean them out and thats to remove the heat exchanger, intercoolers, gearbox coolers and oil coolers and dismantle them. This is known as a Salt Water Service. This service is a process of cleaning the copper and brass cores in hydrochloric acid. This will clean the growth but not damage the core. Clean the cores on a wire wheel and clean the housing and end caps. Reassemble with new gaskets and fit back onto the engine with fresh coolant. This service should be carried out every 5years.
Please feel free to comment and to give any tips on removing and cleaning of the coolers.